Shaunette T. Ferguson, Ph.D. Research Page

Research Interests

Research Interests

My research interest lies at the intersection of network science and machine learning, with a particular focus on utilizing these disciplines to unravel the intricate complexity of the world through the analysis of texts. I am deeply fascinated by the potential of network science to elucidate the hidden structures and patterns within vast networks of data, ranging from social networks to linguistic structures. Coupled with advanced machine learning models, I aim to develop innovative methodologies for text analysis that can extract, interpret, and visualize the nuanced relationships and dynamics embedded within textual data.

My work is driven by a passion for uncovering insights that lie at the nexus of data science and human behavior, leveraging the power of computational tools to understand how ideas, emotions, and information propagate through networks. Through my research, I aspire to contribute to the development of algorithms that not only enhance our ability to process and analyze large datasets but also respect and preserve the complexity and diversity of human communication.

By integrating network theory with state-of-the-art machine learning techniques including natural language processing and sentiment analysis, my goal is to create robust models that can navigate the challenges of ambiguity, context, and cultural diversity inherent in text-based data. This interdisciplinary approach not only advances the field of computational linguistics but also offers valuable insights into social dynamics, cultural trends, and the impact of digital communication on society.

Ultimately, my research is guided by a commitment to advancing knowledge in network science and machine learning, with an eye towards applications that can make meaningful contributions to understanding human interactions, social cohesion, and the dissemination of knowledge in an increasingly connected world.